Salisbury Plain (Take 3)

17th November 2015. Salisbury Plain, South Georgia.


(Map of journey . . . . . . . . . . (2 and 14 (there should be a 15). Salisbury Plain)).


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Here we are, back on the beach at Salisbury Plain, in our last landing on South Georgia.  An ever-obliging group of king penguins wanders by.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Penguin portrait.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Fur seal.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Elephant seals.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Small squad in military formation.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

King penguin “porpoising”.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

A couple of king penguins just thrown up on shore by a wave, though the wave has receded.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Eye to eye.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Yellow beak.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Magenta beak.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Fresh out of the water.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Looking at the world in a different way.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Two’s company.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Fur seal.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

A penguin contortionist.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Gotta get that itch…


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Making the crossing…


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Elephant seal pup.


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .

Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

At last, a pillow!


Elephant seals, Fur seal, King Penguins, Landscape, Nature, Photography, seascape, Snowy sheathbill, South Georgia, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Snowy sheathbills trying to break into my dry bag under the misapprehension that there might be something to eat in there.


So, there it is, the end of the journey to South Georgia.  I’ll do some South Georgia monochromes in a while and after that will come Atacama and the the Caribbean. But first, I’m off to Tasmania next week for over a month.  More details of that in the next post….

15 thoughts on “Salisbury Plain (Take 3)

    • Thanks you Robert. Atacama is next in this series but in the present I’ve just been to Lamington National Park in Queensland and then off to Tasmania next Saturday. Three posts coming up in the next week.


    • Thanks very much CS! I don’t specifically remember the lighting but from the first and last shots it looks like somewhat diffuse lighting with high cloud which would have been ideal for the portrait shots.


  1. Pingback: South Georgia Monochromes 3 of 3 « Murray Foote

  2. Pingback: Journey to Madagascar and South Georgia Island – Itinerary and Links to Posts « Murray Foote

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