Berkeley Sound

6th November 2015. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland, Falkland Islands.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

A final view of Sea Lion Island as we fly away.  looking towards the south end of the island, I think.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

And this is Stanley, only town in the Falklands.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

One of the ships in Stanley Harbour.  Fortunately, not the one we travelled on to South Georgia.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

We headed off overland in four wheel drive vehicles to the southern shores of Berkely Sound, north of Stanley, in response to a reported sighting of a stray Northern Rockhopper penguin. The northern variety has much longer yellow head plumes and its most numerous location is at Gough Island in the Tristan da Cunha group.  However, the penguins we saw were the more common Southern Rockhoppers, though someone else in our party caught a brief glimpse of a northern one.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Southern rockhopper, as for all following penguins.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife .


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Cochon Island.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Looking north, across Berkeley Sound.


Falkland Islands, Landscape, Nature, Penguins, Photography, Rockhopper Penguins, seascape, Travel, Wilderness, Wildlife

Distant sea view with Cochon Island.


6 thoughts on “Berkeley Sound

  1. Pingback: Journey to Madagascar and South Georgia Island – Itinerary and Links to Posts « Murray Foote

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