Alcázar de Colón

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 14 September 2016


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel


On our way from Monasterio de San Francisco to Alcázar de Colón, we passed the doorway to Casa del Cordon (which is not open to the public).  It was built in the very early 16th century and is be3lieved to be the oldest stone house in the Americas.  For a period from 1509 it was home to Diego Columbus, son of Christopher and Governor at the time.



Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .

Now we are inside Alcázar de Colón (or Castle of Columbus) which is now a museum.



Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

Diego Columbus moved here from Casa de Cordon after it was built.  Wikipedia says that Alcázar de Colón is the only known residence of Diego, which is clearly wrong.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

It was built between 1510 and 1514 of coral rocks, using 1,500 actually or effectively enslaved Taino Indians.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

It once had fifty-five rooms and a number of gardens and courtyards.  It now has twenty-two rooms which are open to the public.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

The Columbus family lived here until 1577.  In 1586 Sir Francis Drake plundered it.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .

Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

From the mid-eighteenth century it was abandoned and fell into ruins.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

It was restored between 1955 and 1957 although there was controversy at the time of the historical sensitivity of this project.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

The Palaza houses works of art from the 14th to 17th centuries.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel .

Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

The painting is presumably Christopher and Diego, and the model the Santa Maria.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

Out on the street again.


Alcázar de Colón, Architecture, Dominican Republic, History, Landscape, Photography, Santo Domingo, Street photography, Travel

The little metal globes on the kerb were used for the tying of horses.


3 thoughts on “Alcázar de Colón

  1. Pingback: Santo Domingo Monochromes « Murray Foote

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