Cairns Botanical Gardens

Queensland, 28 July 2022

Click on any image to see it larger (If you are on a PC at least).


In the afternoon, after the trip to Fitzroy island, we visited Cairns Botanic gardens.


Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

First we stopped at the cafeteria.

Bush turkey.  We always feel very lucky to see wildlife in their natural environment.  Bush turkeys have probably been visiting this cafeteria for millions of years.

.Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

… and away he goes….

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

We visited the Conservatory.

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

In most cases I don’t know the names of the plants (I presume there were no labels).

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

Tassel ferns.

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife


. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife

This image and the second and third last are focus stacks.  The rest are straight images.

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .

. Cairns, Cairns Botanic Gardens, Flowers, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Photography, Queensland, Travel, Wildlife .


Note:  I have increased the size of the images by 11% compared to previously.  I have a method of sizing them for equal area except for panoramas.  I had them a bit reduced in size from some years ago for some reason that does not seem to still hold. You might notice a difference on a PC, maybe on a tablet, but not on a phone.
